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Online Auction - Vehicles & More

Saturday, April 12 (Time TBA) | Sunflower North Building & Online Auction Site

Both Online & In-Person Live Bidding are available on Vehicles & Select Items

Vehicles, equipment and other select items will be auctioned off on Saturday, April 12, 2025 in Sunflower North during the General Auction. Both online and on-site bidding will be available for all items listed below.

Approximate times (TBA) that listed items will sell are posted on the KMRS website & social media channels as well as at the General Auction venue, before the start of the Friday Night Auction. 

2025 Vehicle & Featured Online Item Listings

1921 Fordson Tractor

Nicely Restored 1921 Fordson Tractor. In 1922 Mennonites in America sent 50 of these tractors to starving Mennonites in the Ukraine, Russia, starting what has become the work that MCC does around the world today.

Find Out More
Contact KMRS Vehicle Auction

Sunflower Auctions

General Auction opens 6:00pm Friday, April 11 & 8:45am Saturday, April 12 | Sunflower North Building

Silent Auction opens 5:00pm Friday, April 11 & 8:00am Saturday, April 12 | Sunflower South Building

The ‘Sunflower Auctions’ are two different auctions with two different ways to bid!

General Auction

The live General Auction in Sunflower North, kicks off on the Friday night of the Sale with an auctioneer taking bids and items being sold to the highest bidder. The General Auction continues on Saturday and includes the Online Featured & Vehicle Auction with both live and online bidding in real time. Additional featured items will be auctioned off both Friday night and throughout the day on Saturday at posted times. 

Silent Auction

The Silent Auction in Sunflower South also kicks off on Friday night of the Sale and continues on Saturday, with participants writing bids on sheets of paper placed next to the items. The highest bid on the sheet at the time of closing, wins the auction item. 

Please Note that donated items for the Sunflower Auctions are placed in either the General or Silent Auction venues, based on where they will bring the highest value, in support of MCC. Unless indicated, listed auction items could sell at either venue, but minimal changes should be made after 4:00 pm on Friday of the Sale. Please take some to browse each of the Sunflower Auctions during the Sale to see what’s offered at both locations and Bid to Buy!   

Quilt Auction and Gallery

8:45am Saturday, April 12 | Meadowlark Building

Featuring over 200 beautiful hand made quilts and quilt-related items!

Donated quilts, wall hangings, comforters, and other quilt related items are sold at the quilt auction. Viewing of displayed quilts begins at 4 pm on Friday, when reserved seats for the Saturday auction also go on sale. Individuals are limited to 8 reserved seat tickets. Select, featured quilts are sold at scheduled times throughout the day on Saturday. 

View Featured Quilt Schedule & More Information.

Quilt Gallery

Quilts may be viewed in the Quilt Gallery at 4:00pm on the Friday afternoon of the Sale and throughout Saturday, as the quilts are being auctioned off. 

Children's Auction

10:00am Saturday | Pride of Kansas Building

This auction is just for kids!

The Children’s auction features new and like new toys, games, sports equipment and more.This is an opportunity for children to learn about auctions and also about giving to MCC.

Donations Needed…
Consider donating new, in-the-package, items to this year’s auction. Talk with the youth in your church to see what items they would like to bid on, but you can never go wrong with Hot Wheels, Barbie, board games, Lego sets, art kits, and sports equipment.  Items may be given to your MCC Liaison for delivery to the Sale or they can be brought to the Pride of Kansas building on either Friday or on Saturday morning before 9:30.

Surplus Auction

2:30pm (approximate time) Saturday | Sunflower South Building

As the sale comes to a close on Saturday, all surplus items are gathered from the various booths. The items are auctioned at the Surplus Auction in the Sunflower South Building starting around 2:30pm.