Dates: March 9 or March 16, 2025
Cost: Adults $25; Children 6-12 $10
Deadline: February 23, 2025
Three ways to participate!
Fellowship in Dining:

Fellowship Meals are shared experiences in giving. Hosts invite someone to their home to “come and dine” and guests visit another family’s home. The Fellowship Meals Committee matches guests and hosts.
Use this form to register to be Hosts or Guests
Hosts prepare the table:
Hosts receive the names of the guests to invite, and prepare a meal for them. It need not be a feast; a simple meal is also an act of friendship. Be sure to invite your guests to join you for Worship Sunday morning.
Guests donate to KMRS and enjoy hospitality:
Guests will receive an invitation for Sunday Worship and share a meal with their host.
Payment for the meal is a donation to the KMRS.
Host a Fellowship Meal at your Church:
Churches are encouraged to host a Fellowship Meal inviting the congregation for a meal while financially supporting the Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale.
Host a Fellowship Meal with family/friends:
Invite family or friends over for a MCC Fellowship Meal. Let them know this is a way to help cover MCC Sale costs before the event.