The General Auction (Sunflower Building North) features a wide spectrum of items such as tractors, tools, antiques, handcrafted furniture and children’s toys and décor items.
Friday night’s auction starts at 6pm with featured items and the General auction continues on Saturday, starting at 8:45am. Vehicles and Equipment sell on Saturday afternoon, with approximate times posted sometime Friday afternoon.
The Quilt Auction (Meadowlark Building) starts at 8:45am on Saturday and runs concurrently with the General Auction. It features hand made quilts, wall quilts, comforters and other quilt-related items. Viewing of displayed quilts starts at 4pm on Friday when reserved seating for the auction goes on sale.
The Silent Auction (Sunflower Building South) begins Friday at 5pm and concludes 8am-1pm on Saturday.
The Children’s Auction features toys and other items just for kids to bid on!
The Surplus Auction (Sunflower Building South) starts around 2:30pm on Saturday to sell any food items that did not sell out during the sale.