December 15, 2024

Dear Friends of KMRS,

The calendar will be turning to 2025 in just a couple of weeks.  In the days until January we will celebrate Christmas, acknowledging again that Jesus is the reason for the season…born in a stable to be our savior. Jesus is our example and our teacher as well as being born the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords”.  It is in His name we carry out the commandment to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and mind. We also are to love one another, and to love and care for our neighbors as we care for ourselves.

Each year provides us with another opportunity to serve the Lord.  So, as we prepare for the 2025 Kansas Mennonite Relief Sale, we ask you to take the time to fellowship with those people who make up your congregations, and take the time and opportunity to share “good tidings of Great Joy” with your friends, your committee members, and your families.  Give gifts to them of love, time, and hope.

And as we prepare to celebrate, we should remember that we are God’s children and we work together to give people around the world gifts of love, time, and hope.  Let us remember that as we raise money for the Mennonite Central Committee we are acting “in the name of Christ” and providing relief, food, water, education and community. 

As we celebrate this Christmas season, remember to pray for the MCC partners who directly help those around the world in more than forty countries.  May we pray for and remember those who volunteer with MCC and the KMRS.  Please continue to pray for the 2025 sale and our efforts to give hope and love by being Christ’s representatives in our words and actions.

Merry Christmas to all. And may we remember the words of Jesus found in the parable of the Good Samaritan.  May we be people who commit to helping others, and offering our time, our efforts, our skills, and our Christian Love.

Blessings to all…

Jim Robb, Chairman, KMRS Board